The Curriculum
‘With God all things are possible’ – Matthew 19vs26
Everything starts with the child and how we as professionals can craft a learning environment for them which nurtures their mind, body and soul to develop a happy, healthy and well-rounded citizen of the world – a child who can live and enjoy life to the full.
Our curriculum provision has been developed with a clear intent to:
- Provide a broad and balanced programme of study that meets the needs of all of
our children. - Enable all of our children to make progress in their learning and achieve their full
potential - Support the acquisition of knowledge and vocabulary
- Promote good behaviour and safety
- Support children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
Staff have drawn on each other’s expertise and teaching methods that we know to be successful with our children. After consultation with staff, we reflected on what our curriculum offer would look like to a child in our school. We have shown this on the word cloud. We believe that our approach will create well-rounded learners who are prepared for the challenges and adventures that await them.

Our curriculum drivers relate to:
- the needs of our children here at Hopton
- the needs of our wider community
- the values of our school
- the location of our school
Our curriculum drivers are
- Play
- Wonder
- Insight
- Risk
- Voice
- Experience
Our school drivers are at the heart of each topic and the themes develop coherently throughout the school year. We use these drivers alongside our values programme to underpin the development work we undertake in all areas of school life and to ensure that our curriculum offer is enriched and personalised to our children and their families.
Over the last two years we have worked to develop a new school vision ( this can be found on our welcome and vision page) and curriculum drivers for the school. Working in co production with the children, parents, staff and Governors we have designed bespoke curriculum drivers, unique to Hopton CEVC School. These curriculum drivers reflect what we consider to be the essential diet for the children in our school. They are cemented in the roots of our vision and aim to give the children a broad and balanced exposure to learning.
A Knowledge-based Curriculum
To support these aims, the curriculum in each year group at Hopton is taught through six exciting half termly topics. These run on a Plan A & B cycle for the mixed cohorts within the school. Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage are taught using the EYFS framework with an emphasis on developing key skills, knowledge and understanding through direct teaching and purposeful play. The statutory National Curriculum is taught across Key Stages 1 and 2.
Our curriculum is designed with knowledge and skills at its heart to ensure that children develop a greater understanding of the world. We endeavour to plan a curriculum that repeats prior knowledge in order to develop future skill. We understand from research that children require time and recapping to commit learning to their long term memory and therefore scaffold each lesson with a recap and reminder section. We are acutely aware that children need rich exposure to language and vocabulary, but most importantly that they need to understand what they are hearing. Our everyday classroom practice ensures that children ask when they do not understand vocabulary and have the confidence to use new words within their learning.
One of main aims of the curriculum is that children have a great understanding of the world, granting them new experiences and insight to the cultures and beliefs of others. We aim that they learn tolerance and respect for others and that their perception of the world gives them strength and resilience to live their life to the maximum. We hope that our curriculum makes children curious and hungry for what the world has to offer, embedding an understand that with perseverance and aspirations you can reach your goals in life and learning.
Please click on the link below to see the journey Hopton CEVC School has been on:
We aim to prepare our children for life in modern Britain ensuring that children leave Hopton School as well rounded individuals with a solid moral compass and a thirst for learning and life. To supplement the curriculum teachers are using Cornerstones to plan their lessons. Cornerstones is a holistic planning tool which has enabled the teachers to plan topics around our curriculum drivers and the school values. The It teaches the children through rich experiences and takes them through four stages of learning:
Engage: We hook learners with a memorable experience which provides a context for learning. We believe in asking questions to find out the children’s interests and spark their curiosity using interesting questions and starting points.
Develop: We believe in teaching the children facts and information which enables deeper understanding and knowledge. We provide creative opportunities for making and doing and allow time for consolidation.
Innovate: We provide our children with imaginative scenarios and encourage creative thinking enabling children to apply preciously learned skills. We encourage enterprise and independent thinking and provide opportunities for collaborative working and problem solving.
Express: We develop our environments to encourage reflective talk and create opportunities for shared evaluation. We always celebrate and share children’s successes as well as identify next steps for learning.
Here the children will access a rich knowledge and skills based curriculum which builds as they travel on through the school.
The New National Curriculum - A Parents Guide
The New National Curriculum - A Parents Guide Year 1
The New National Curriculum - A Parents Guide Year 2
The New National Curriculum - A Parents Guide Year 3
The New National Curriculum - A Parents Guide Year 4
The New National Curriculum - A Parents Guide Year 5
The New National Curriculum - A Parents Guide Year 6
For more information on the recent changes to the Ofsted Inspection framework please clink on the link below.
Ofsted and the New Framework 2019
Children are encouraged to read daily at home and are provided with books matched closely to their phonics ability taken from our reading schemes and the library
In mathematics we have comprehensively reviewed and updated our calculation document. This can be viewed by clicking on the links below. It is in separate sections due to how it was created -
To see what each of our classes are currently learning or what they have been doing recently go to Learning/Classes/(choose class)/What we are learning.
Below are our long term plans across the curriculum -
Long term plan Nursery & Reception Cycle A
Long term plan Nursery & Reception Cycle B
Long term plan Year 1 & 2 Cycle A
Long term plan Year 1 & 2 Cycle B
Long term plan Year 3 & 4 Cycle A
Long term plan Year 3 & 4 Cycle B
Long term plan Year 5 & 6 Cycle A