Our nursery provision at Hopton CEVC Primary School is offered within our combined Nursery and Reception classroom called ‘Willow Class’.
In Willow class, we are committed to offering a rich curriculum that engages, inspires and challenges all children. We provide children with the opportunity to develop to their full potential in a setting where they feel safe, valued and happy, and where learning is fun. Each child will experience the best possible start to their education with secure foundations and skills on which their future learning can be built. They will have the opportunity to learn and play in a language rich environment that promotes diversity and inclusion and encourages children to feel confident to take risks and become independent life-long learners. Our aim is that every child will journey through our Nursery, building a breadth of learning experiences that positively impact on them for the rest of their lives.
Our Willow class children enjoy an exciting curriculum involving opportunities for children to access learning opportunities both indoors and outdoors. ‘Welly walks’ around the village and Forest School activities in our own woodland area are timetabled each week to provide even further opportunities for skills and experiences to be taught and shared between children and staff.
The nursery follows the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which is available at this link. In nursery, we focus on the prime areas of learning and begin introducing the specific areas of learning.
The prime areas are:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development – Making relationships, Managing feelings and behaviour and Self-confidence and Self-awareness
- Physical Development – Moving and Handling and Self Care
- Communication and Language – Listening and Attention, Understanding and Speaking
The specific areas are:
- Literacy – Reading and Writing
- Mathematics – Numbers and Space, Shape and Measures
- Understanding the World – People and Communities, the World and Technology
- Expressive Arts and Design – Exploring and using media and materials and Being Imaginative
Please find links below to useful documents in relation to the EYFS Unit.