Our Christian Vision remained central to our response to the pandemic. Our vision guided us in supporting pupils, parents and the community and heled us to remain resilient in the light of adversity.  Now, at a time where we are able to reflect on this period we stand united and proud of our response and the kindness and supportiveness that was shared with all. We continue to build upon what the pandemic has taught us about being part of a church school community.

Parent Survey Summary

January 2021


  • 45% of the of the parent cohort answered the survey. It was open for two weeks. 
  • 70% of Willow Class
  • 41% of Holly Class
  • 47% of Oak Class
  • 30% of Ash Class 
  • 47% of the SEND children’s parents answered the survey.
  • 55% of the vulnerable children’s parents answered the survey. 


  • 100% thought the communication from the school was good.
  • 100% thought they have been well supported in home learning.
  • 100% the provision had met the standard they had hoped for.
  • 100% felt that the remote learning was accessible.
  • 100% stated that the feedback given was helpful to improve their child’s work at home.
  • 100% stated that they had received support and resources (including interventions) as their child is on the SEND register.
  • 95% thought the daily content of learning was adequate.
  • 95% felt their child was engaged with the learning.
  • 90% of the families have adequate devices.

Actions from headlines:

  • 2 families have been offered extra devices as a result of the survey (this equates to 10% -= 4 children)
  • Class teacher has been asked to contact parents were they felt engagement and content could be improved, although one answer was commented with ‘I don’t believe this is your fault my child just gets very bored quickly!’

Points for consideration

  • Can there be more guidance around how best to support learning at home when tasks are made more difficult due to dyslexia?
  • Is there scope to offer more interventions? (child already accessing some). Parents worried about the scale of the setback for their child.
  • Continue with both individual and group zoom meetings to encourage motivation and reiterate expectations.
  • KS2 parents have commented that the expectation of 4 hours learning a day (from the Government) can sometimes be overwhelming and difficult to juggle. Ensure that you regularly plan for more ‘free activities’ or ‘opened ended’ tasks to allow for some variation and relaxation of pressure across the week. Remember to incorporate Art, D/T and cooking!

Parent Comments

The hard work and dedication of the staff should be celebrated.


“The online provision has been brilliant this time around, X is engaged, keen to learn and we are grateful to Mrs J for her daily feedback and encouragement.

You’re all doing an amazing job, thank you!”

 “Home learning has been much smoother so far this time, it really shows schools (& parents) have learnt so much and improved the way they do it. We really enjoy weekly zoom meetings.”

 “Mrs J is an outstanding teacher who goes above and beyond.”

 “Very impressed with materials and the interventions Mrs G is doing to help with dyslexia.”

 “Thank you so much Hopton school for continuing to provide excellent teaching to our children. Well done to the team.”

“Fantastic lessons and recourses sent home from school, email address available for any queries too, and regular zoom catch ups. Brilliant.”

 “Excellent teaching provision, engaging and challenging and everything down to the last web link is provided so parents don’t need to prepare anything.”

 “We are thrilled and so impressed by all the hard work and incredible provision made by the head and the teaching staff and support staff. It has made the home learning as smooth a process as it could be.”

 “You are all amazing superstars! I am gutted this has happened again after all your hard work last term but we have taken it all in our stride and are coping very well.”

 “All support, guidance and information from the school has been fantastic, the work is easily accessible for the children to complete mostly independently with support as needed. Kids enjoy the video and seeing their teachers, it definitely helps them to understand the work expected of them.”

 “Happy parents with the support and provision of the school.”

“Just a big thank you for all the hard work and support in these difficult times.”

 “I think the school are doing a fantastic job as in the previous lockdown, so thank you to you all.”

 “We have received frequent, informative and supportive correspondence from the school leading up to and throughout lockdown.”

 “The school and teachers have been brilliant in what they have put in place for the pupils and parents. Even without any notice you had things in place for us to start home schooling.”

 “Mr M and Mrs G have been very supportive. They have made sure, that as a parent we are not feeling overwhelmed and encouraged the love of learning through the process.”

 “Thank you for all the hard work that everyone has had their input with- including the kitchen staff. As a key worker we have needed both school and remote access, both of which have helped us to support and engage our son with his learning. We are very grateful. It is not an easy task and thank you once again.”

 “The work and activity suggestions have been perfect, keeping us busy but not overwhelming with the options we can go for. And the videos from the teachers reading a book or quick tutorial have been an extra excitement for my 4-year-old.”

 “Positive and supportive feedback, developing positive and self-supporting mind-set.”

 “Lovely encouraging feedback, always prompt.”

 “There was good extension feedback offered.”

 “The school have done a fantastic job in proving plenty of work online for the children to complete. They also set this up with no notice. There are good routes of communication as needed & they have provided well-being checks too.”







Hopton CEVC Primary School
Thelnetham Road
Hopton Diss
IP22 2QY
Telephone No:  01953 681449
Email:  admin@hopton.suffolk.sch.uk

Mrs Sarah Adnett and  Mrs Terri Baker will deal with any of your enquiries.

Executive Headteacher: Mrs L Rourke
SENDCo: Ms J Buckley