Faith Council

At Hopton Primary School, we believe that ‘With God all things are possible’ and that all our decisions must be guided by this belief. Our Faith Council strongly believes in promoting the school’s vision and are great role models to the rest of the school. Members of the team represent their peers in issues connected to RE, prayer, collective worship, church services and spirituality.

Our ‘Faith Council’ is made up of one child from each year group. We hold weekly Faith Team meetings where we discuss our activities and plan for future projects. We believe in having a powerful pupils' voice and strongly encourage the children to think of their own ideas and how to promote our school values and vision.

Our strong Faith Council is a means of developing a deeper understanding of our school vision and values within our community and allows a way of experiencing spirituality as a genuine partnership between staff, children and the community.

Our Responsibilities

Evaluating opportunities for reflection

  • Planning and leading collective worship
  • Running Faith competitions.
  • Engaging with the local community to be ‘courageous advocates’
  • Being the voice of the community

Our Aims

To promote the views of the school.

  • To maintain the school ethos and vision.
  • To communicate ideas with the rest of the school.



Hopton CEVC Primary School
Thelnetham Road
Hopton Diss
IP22 2QY
Telephone No:  01953 681449

Mrs Sarah Adnett and  Mrs Terri Baker will deal with any of your enquiries.

Executive Headteacher: Mrs L Rourke
SENDCo: Ms J Buckley