Church School Activities

High Street Chapel

High Street Chapel, (HSC), in Hopton, has been working alongside the local schools for the last 13 years to provide activities for children, youth and their parents to share the Good News about Jesus.

Splat Club

SPLAT, (Special People Learning About Truth), is an after school club that runs in Hopton School every Tuesday from 3-4pm during term-time. It is an opportunity for everyone in year groups from 1-6 to come along to have some fun as we combine games, Bible stories, cooking and craft in a fun interactive way for everyone to discover more about God’s love.

High Street Kids High Street Kids

(HSKs), runs on Wednesday evenings during term-time from 6:30-7:30pm in High Street Chapel, for school years 3-7. Here we play mad-cap team games that challenge the youth to stretch themselves and develop new skills and friendships. We also share a short time discovering what the Bible has to say about life and share how a relationship with Jesus has changed our lives.

Holiday Club

Our annual Holiday Club has been running for many years during the first week of the summer holidays at High Street Chapel. It’s open for all Primary school aged children to come along to enjoy the weird and wacky games, energetic songs, creative craft whilst also look at some of the events that we find from the Bible and what that means for us today.

The Key to Life

The Key to Life van visited Hopton in the spring. It is a resource for schools run by Counties UK. The van becomes a mobile classroom where the children can discover and investigate some of the stories and claims of the Bible asking questions such as; “Who is Jesus?”, “What did Jesus do?”, “Did he really rise from the dead?”. Using videos and interactive touch walls.

Walk Through the Bible

Walk Through the bible is a 5 week lesson plan going through the storyline of the Old Testament from Creation to Christ. These lessons are available for year 6 pupils each year and encourages the children to recall the stories using hand signs.

Open The Book

Open the Book uses members from all three churches in Hopton to present dramatic retelling of Bible events for Collective Worship on a fortnightly basis.


Hopton CEVC Primary School
Thelnetham Road
Hopton Diss
IP22 2QY
Telephone No:  01953 681449

Mrs Sarah Adnett and  Mrs Terri Baker will deal with any of your enquiries.

Executive Headteacher: Mrs L Rourke
SENDCo: Ms J Buckley