Phonics at Hopton CEVC Primary School

Twinkl Phonics

From a very early stage, children develop awareness of different sounds in spoken language. They develop an understanding that spoken words are made up of different sounds (phonemes) and they learn to match these phonemes to letters (graphemes). Phonics is about children knowing how letters link to sounds (graphemes to phonemes), for example, c as in ‘cat’, ll as in ‘fell’, or ee as in ‘sheep’.

Children use this phonic knowledge when they are reading and writing. This approach has been shown to provide a quick and efficient way for most young children to learn to read words on the page, fluently and accurately. We want children to develop this skill so that it becomes automatic. This also greatly helps them with their spelling.

What are the Phonics Programmes used at our school?

At Hopton CEVC Primary School, we use a phonics programme called Twinkl Phonics when the children first start to learn phonics. Twinkl Phonics is a Department for Education validated full systematic, synthetic phonics programme that contains everything needed to teach phonics from the very beginning of learning to read and write to full fluency. It delivers grapheme phoneme correspondence (GPC) in a clear and rigorous way so that skills are built progressively over time, ensuring that children have a secure base from which to develop. On top of that, all learning is embedded in the exciting adventures of Kit and Sam and their family and friends so you can be sure that children will be excited by, and looking forward to, their daily phonics lessons!

Twinkl Phonics is a scheme based on Letters and Sounds. It follows the same sounds order throughout Nursery and Reception and through the early weeks of Year 1. Teaching of Phase 5 and 6 GPCs and suffixes have been spread out in Twinkl Phonics to give more even coverage throughout Year 1 and 2. This is to ensure that children have ample time to secure new learning before moving on to the next sound. All the sounds covered in Phase 5 and 6 of Letters and Sounds are taught during Levels 5 and 6 in Twinkl Phonics so you can be assured that your children will reach the same endpoint by the end of Year 2.

Levels within Twinkl Phonics

Parent Zone

Welcome to our section especially for parents and carers. Here you will find lots of helpful information to support your child with their Twinkl Phonics and reading journey through school.


Phonics Screening

Phonics Screening

The phonics screening check assesses children on how well they can decode certain words. Decoding means sounding out an unfamiliar written word. To do this, children will need to be able to recognise letters and the sounds that they represent. This is an important part of achieving reading fluency!

How do we prepare children for the check?

The children have daily phonics sessions that build on their ability to decode words, including those unfamiliar with them. As the time comes nearer to sitting the check children will have practice sessions, so they become familiar with the format. Parent's will be asked to support their child at home with fun games and activities, so they are ready for the assessment in the Summer term.

How To Help Your Child Read Using Phonics

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check Presentation For Parents



Hopton CEVC Primary School
Thelnetham Road
Hopton Diss
IP22 2QY
Telephone No:  01953 681449

Mrs Sarah Adnett and  Mrs Terri Baker will deal with any of your enquiries.

Executive Headteacher: Mrs L Rourke
SENDCo: Ms J Buckley