PE & Sport Premium

The government centrally funds this and as such its use will be monitored and its impact will be measured. Ofsted will assess and report on how effectively this new funding is being used to improve PE and sport provision when making the judgement on the quality of the school’s leadership and management.

Inspectors will use evidence gained from meetings with school leaders, including governors to assess the impact of additional funding on improving the quality and breadth of PE and Sport provision. Inspectors may also use evidence from observations of lessons and/or extra-curricular sports clubs, and discussions with pupils.

Inspectors may also review the details of a school’s PE and Sport provision on their school website prior to an inspection.



Hopton CEVC Primary School
Thelnetham Road
Hopton Diss
IP22 2QY
Telephone No:  01953 681449

Mrs Sarah Adnett and  Mrs Terri Baker will deal with any of your enquiries.

Interim Headteacher:  Mr B Hemmings
SENDCo: Ms J Buckley