Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium at Hopton CEVC Primary School

The pupil premium is an allocation of funding provided to schools to support children who may be vulnerable to underachievement. The amount received is dependent on the number of children who are eligible and have claimed for free school meals at any time in the last six years, have a parent in the military or are adopted. All schools are required to report on the amount of funding and how this is being used. We do not publicly detail our numbers of pupils in each category as due to our small size these children would be able to be identified. 


  • We organise teaching and learning at Hopton in order to meet the needs of all children in the best way.
  • We ensure that appropriate provision is made for children who belong to vulnerable groups and that socially disadvantaged children have their needs adequately assessed and met.
  • We recognise that not all children who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged and we also recognise that not all children who are disadvantaged have free school meals. We allocate Pupil Premium funding to support any child that the school has identified as socially disadvantaged and who are at the risk of underachieving.

Click on the links below to read our strategy for use of pupil premium funding.

2024-2025 Pupil Premium Strategy

2023-2024 Pupil Premium Strategy

2022-2023 Pupil Premium Strategy

New 2021-2022 Pupil Premium Strategy

2021-2022 Pupil Premium Strategy



Hopton CEVC Primary School
Thelnetham Road
Hopton Diss
IP22 2QY
Telephone No:  01953 681449
Email:  admin@hopton.suffolk.sch.uk

Mrs Sarah Adnett and  Mrs Terri Baker will deal with any of your enquiries.

Interim Headteacher:  Mr B Hemmings
SENDCo: Ms J Buckley