Welcome from the Headteacher

Welcome to Hopton CEVC Primary School website and thank you for showing an interest in our school. The school is known for its warm and friendly atmosphere and Christian ethos. Our staff, parents, carers, governors and friends in the community aim to provide a positive learning environment in which children are challenged and enjoy their learning. I am here because I believe that each child is special, that each child has unique talents and abilities and that together we can nurture and encourage every child into a well rounded individual.  I encourage this through our Christian value ‘With God all things are possible’ Matthew 19 v 26. During your child’s time with us we will raise aspirations and encourage perseverance to reach goals in life and learning.  I have shaped our curriculum to ensure all children have the experiences and education they need. Planned under the school ‘curriculum drivers’ each half term we offer opportunities for your child to grow and become the best they can be.  

I know that children learn best when they feel secure and valued and this leads to them being confident learners who are willing to express and try out ideas. I encourage all of our children to contribute to the life of the school and appreciate and respect the contribution of others. Hopton CEVC Primary School is proud to be recognised by OFSTED as 'GOOD' in December 2018. However, we are on a constant ‘learning journey’ and continue to drive forward together.

 I hope that this website gives you a suitable introduction to the school; if you would like to find out even more then please use the list of contact points at 'Contact info' . You would be very welcome to come and visit us and see for yourself what a wonderful school this is.

If parents require any of the information from the website as a paper copy this can be provided free of charge on request.


Key Priorities 2023-2024


Hopton CEVC Primary School
Thelnetham Road
Hopton Diss
IP22 2QY
Telephone No:  01953 681449
Email:  admin@hopton.suffolk.sch.uk

Mrs Sarah Adnett and  Mrs Terri Baker will deal with any of your enquiries.

Interim Headteacher:  Mr B Hemmings
SENDCo: Ms J Buckley