Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is open every morning from 7.45am. Children are offered a choice of healthy breakfasts and the opportunity to play whilst being supervised until registration opens. The cost of Breakfast Club is £3.00 per child with a reduction to £2.00 for each sibling.
After school clubs
We offer a wide variety of clubs that take place before and after school. These are run by members of staff, parents and outside agencies. Some of the clubs we offer are free to attend.
Gardening Rugby
Gym Science
Hockey Netball
Drama Football
We take part in various inter-school activities with other local primary schools from sport to music.
Cycling proficiency courses are offered to our older pupils.
All children get to play some part in performing in whole school celebrations at Christmas, Easter and Harvest.
There are regular enrichment days where the children work on a specially planned theme with children from other year groups.